Convenience Store Woman

Sayaka Murata, Convenience Store Woman (da. Døgnkioskmennesket). 978-87-93661-36-3

A quick and light read with a tight and effective language. The core theme is that of conforming to society’s expectations and there are some parallels to Camus’ the Stranger, but instead of the focus being on “sticking out” it is more on “fitting in”.

Furukura fits in because she has found a bubble wherein the rules are clear and she can excel. Other people find the rules clear in their situation and more or less fit in too; or they move on to something where they don’t.

Shiraha catalyses a shift in Furukura’s life. He doesn’t fit in and understands at least some “rules” of society, but instead of fitting in he seeks to exploit. Faced with this new understanding of society and “truth”, Furukura ultimately decides to accept the futility of fitting in, but will continue to do so, because she is thrives in it.

Note: I read the Danish translation, which has the title translated to Døgnkioskmennesket, which is just a jewel of a word.