Letter to a Hostage

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Letter to a Hostage (da. Brev til et gidsel og Brev til en general) (fr. Lettre à un otage). 978-87-595-0510-6

Easily some of the most beautiful writing I have read.

Just prior to reading this, I had been attempting to read Murakami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the end of the World. I don't think it is a bad book; I just could not get myself into it.

Letter to a Hostage captivated me from the first sentence. I found the writing even more strikingly beautiful than in Wind, Sand and Stars; this time I could revel more in the excellent prose. I now wonder if The Little Prince is just as beautiful and I have just forgotten.

Note: I read the Danish translation, which in my edition also included Et brev til en general for which I am unsure what the original title is.